If you have an error - if no-one else can help - then maybe you should - paste it in here

We of course, advise all people to read the fucking manual of any software that they are trying to install. However, there are times when that manual is so big, or so complicated, or so non-existent, or the software so rare/new, that it can't be done.
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Errors reported in : Previous 2015 03 Next
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ID Category Error message
5488 Postgres LOG: using stale statistics instead of current ones because stats collector is not responding
5487 Java 8 1 [SOLVED] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!
5486 SAMBA 1 [SOLVED] Failed to join domain: failed to set machine spn: Constraint violation
5484 Failed to read candidate component class; nested exception is java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 28016
5483 MySQL ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for 'startts'
5482 1 [SOLVED] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
5481 com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unrecognized character escape '!' (code 33)
5480 1 [SOLVED] No matching method found: setRegion for class
5479 1 [SOLVED] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The bucket name parameter must be specified when uploading an object
5478 CREDENTIALS is a mandatory argument for S3 based COPY
5477 PSQLException A result was returned when none was expected.
5476 ImportError: No module named requests
5475 java nullpointer
5474 1 [SOLVED] CPU acceleration status: KVM is not installed on this machine (/dev/kvm is missing).
5473 Android emulator: WARNING: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer.
5472 resteasy ""
5471 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javafx.application.Application