[SOLVED] zpool: ../../lib/libzfs/libzfs_import.c:356: Assertion `nvlist_lookup_uint64(zhp->zpool_config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_POOL_GUID, &theguid) == 0' failed.

Error added: 2014-06-16T17:07:15Z

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1 answers found.

Answer 2221 (0.0% helpful)

find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra -name "splat.ko" -or -name "zcommon.ko" -or -name "zpios.ko" -or -name "spl.ko" -or -name "zavl.ko" -or -name "zfs.ko" -or -name "znvpair.ko" -or -name "zunicode.ko" | xargs rm -f
find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/weak-updates -name "splat.ko" -or -name "zcommon.ko" -or -name "zpios.ko" -or -name "spl.ko" -or -name "zavl.ko" -or -name "zfs.ko" -or -name "znvpair.ko" -or -name "zunicode.ko" | xargs rm -f
yum reinstall zfs-release
yum reinstall $(rpm -qa | egrep "zfs|spl")

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