If you have an error - if no-one else can help - then maybe you should - paste it in here

We of course, advise all people to read the fucking manual of any software that they are trying to install. However, there are times when that manual is so big, or so complicated, or so non-existent, or the software so rare/new, that it can't be done.
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Errors reported in : Previous 2022 12 Next
Key: Answers, People Waiting

ID Category Error message
6610 Feign feign.FeignException: [308 Permanent Redirect] during [GET] to
6609 Firefox Content Encoding Error The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
6608 504 Gateway Time-out: "<html><body><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1><EOL>The server didn't respond in time.<EOL></body></html><EOL>"
6607 certbot Enhancement redirect was already set.
6606 MariaDB 1 5 [SOLVED] Driver org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver claims to not accept jdbcUrl
6605 Reddit 5 This community has not been reviewed and might contain content inappropriate for certain viewers. View in the Reddit app to continue.
6604 Reddit API Please log in to do that.
6603 Reddit 1 [SOLVED] {"error": "invalid_grant"}