If you have an error - if no-one else can help - then maybe you should - paste it in here

We of course, advise all people to read the fucking manual of any software that they are trying to install. However, there are times when that manual is so big, or so complicated, or so non-existent, or the software so rare/new, that it can't be done.
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Errors reported in : Previous 2024 10
Key: Answers, People Waiting

ID Category Error message
6920 SockJS org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.SockJsException: Uncaught failure in SockJS request
6919 Maven 1 [SOLVED] Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 8 or later.
6918 Spring Boot com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$PoolInitializationException: Failed to initialize pool: Database name postgresql not supported
6917 Redgifs Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 403.