If you have an error - if no-one else can help - then maybe you should - paste it in here

We of course, advise all people to read the fucking manual of any software that they are trying to install. However, there are times when that manual is so big, or so complicated, or so non-existent, or the software so rare/new, that it can't be done.
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ID Category Error message
7035 The Guardian 2 iframeMessenger.enableAutoResize();
7034 Tor [WARN] Detected possible compression bomb with input size = 39444 and output size = 1117477
7033 Jetty org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.exceptions.WebSocketTimeoutException: Connection Idle Timeout
7032 Jetty 1 [SOLVED] HTTP ERROR 400 Invalid SNI
7031 acme.standalone Certbot wasn't able to bind to :80 using IPv4, this is often expected due to the dual stack nature of IPv6 socket implementations.
7030 ReadOnlyBufferException java.nio.ReadOnlyBufferException at java.base/java.nio.ByteBuffer.array(
7029 HiveMQ client 1 [SOLVED] com.hivemq.client.mqtt.mqtt5.exceptions.Mqtt5DisconnectException: Exception while decoding CONNACK: remaining length too short
7028 AWS console 2 [SOLVED] You can't use your account's root user credentials to view Amazon S3 Storage Lens dashboards.
7027 AWS EC2 The maximum number of security groups per interface has been reached.
7026 this.wait() java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException: current thread is not owner
7025 Javascript Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).
7024 JMS javax.jms.IllegalStateException: The Session is closed