[SOLVED] Cannot resolve a virtual package name to an ebuild

Error added: 2006-02-20T14:50:46Z

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Answer 81 (0.0% helpful)

Ensure that your profile (/etc/make.profile) points to a vaild profile (i.e. that is still supported by portage).

If that doesn\'t resolve the problem (that alone didn\'t work for me) try to update sys-apps/portage. In case emerge -u sys-apps/portage produces the error message mentioned above, you can try
ebuild /usr/portage/sys-apps/portage/portage-<current-version>.ebuild merge
This skips the emerge part and directly builds and installs the new version. (Note that you\'ll have two versions of sys-apps/portage installed by then. You can unmerge the older version by typing emerge -a unmerge sys-apps/portage-<old-version>). Now you can regenerate the portage tree: emerge --regen

Hope that helps...

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