[SOLVED] tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME

Error added: 2005-08-12T23:56:17Z

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6 answers found.

Answer 1163 (95.454544% helpful)

For me, the solution was simple.  I had entered the host & IP in /etc/hosts then attempted to connect.  But the name I entered in /etc/hosts didn\'t match the name the windows box had under my computer/properties.  Ensuring that the 2 matched solved the problem.

Answer 1056 (81.818184% helpful)

On Windows 2003 Server, it might be a problem with the name server, you use an alias instead of the real name of the server, to bypass this security add the following key in registry : 

then restart the Server Service it might be ok.

Answer 1907 (83.33333% helpful)

If you use an alias instead of the real name of the server, add the following value in the registry:
key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters"
value: "OptionalNames"
type: multi-string
content: the alias-hostname(s)

and then restart the Server Service.
(this solution is more secure than the DisableStrictNameChecking setting)

Answer 274 (63.636364% helpful)

Matt Seitz wrote:
> [...]
> How can a Tree_Connect command result in an NT_STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME error?

To answer my own question:  when the server name in the Path field is wrong. 

note:use the IP instead...

Answer 1160 (33.333332% helpful)

My problem arose from not knowing smb4k workings.
Step-1: Preparation get key data 
   Name of Network: eg WORKGROUP
   Name of Network Shared folders: eg movies, docs
   IP address of network computer: eg 169.254.x.x
Step-2: check sharing status shared folders. You won\'t get access if the folders are not shared!!
Step-3: check host firewall permissions, and ensure that your smb4k network computer has permission to access the host computer.
Step-4: Run smb4k, and open tab \"Network\" then select \"Mount Manually\" then into the gui add your data, 
 eg share = //169.254.x.x/movies
 IP address= 169.254.x.x
 Workgroup = Workgroup

Step-5: When the share appears in the smb4k gui then open the share to activate it.


Answer 330 (0.0% helpful)


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