[SOLVED] Invalid command 'AuthUserFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

Error added: 2008-01-15T16:56:51Z

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7 answers found.

Answer 1180 (100.0% helpful)

on Debian, I had to move authn_file.load, auth_basic.load, authz_user.load from /etc/apache2/mods-available to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled then restart the apache (apache2ctl restart)

Answer 1181 (100.0% helpful)

on Debian, I had to move authn_file.load, auth_basic.load, authz_user.load from /etc/apache2/mods-available to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled then restart the apache (apache2ctl restart)

Answer 650 (92.85714% helpful)

httpd.conf: LoadModule authn_file_module modules/ worked for me

Answer 964 (87.5% helpful)

I used authn_file flag in APACHE2_MODULES defined in /etc/make.conf. After etc-update my problem was solved.

Answer 1595 (85.71429% helpful)

the easier way to do this on debian is:
a2enmod authn_file
apache2ctl graceful

Answer 633 (0.0% helpful)

I fixed this by adding \"--enable-auth\" at compilation time.

Answer 862 (0.0% helpful)

Feb 7, 2009; using Gentoo, after merging apache-2.2.11, got this error. I tried manually downloading and installing, but that didn\'t fix it.  I wasn\'t able to get it to recognize the --enable-auth option.  The wasn\'t present after either the merge or the make install.  Fixed it by modifying the ebuild and taking authn_file out of the IUSE_MODULES list, adding it to MODULE_DEFINES, and running ebuild merge --skip-manifest.  That produced the external module which I was then able to load in httpd.conf.

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